Michael “Gecko” Adams, the mind behind the creation of the beloved KUNG FU LEGUME, is an established artist and colorist in the comic book industry. In 2022, Michael embarked on a new venture with Keenspot Comics, debuting his first ever creator owned book, KUNG FU LEGUME. Five issues of KUNG FU LEGUME were published from July 2022 to March 2023 with a graphic novel set to hit stores during the holiday season of 2023. KUNG FU LEGUME is also being developed as an animated series with SpongeBob SquarePants writer, Richard Pursel and Executive Producer Kheng Hua Tan (Crazy Rich Asians). Michael is also releasing ZOR and Hero Hiro in 2025!
In addition to his portfolio of published works, Michael’s artwork has also been showcased on HBO’s Entourage for Vanessa Angel’s character, Angel Quest, in Season 2, Episode 9.